Yesterday I was reading an article in WIRED which encompasses a wide range of topics ranging from the induction of Ray Ozzie in Microsoft (supplanting Bill G Reviews) to the ongoing battle of grabbing acres and acres of lands around Columbia River in Oregon/Washington. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google has prophesized that those companies would rule the Internet who would master the growth and realization of Data Centers. The world is slowly moving from Desktop based application and packaged software to the cloudspace concept. With innovations juggernauting regularly from companies like Google, Apple industry behemoths like Microsoft is really cornered. So to take the next battle forward all these contenders including search engine companies like Ask.com are purchasing lands near to a place where electricity costs are low. Google has just bought 30 acres of land in Dalles, WA for their data center and plan to install 450,000( no I am not kidding) parallel processing units. Off course they need these astronomical number of servers to cater to 100 Million queries per day. Microsoft has already started acquiring land near Columbia River gorge because hydroelectricity is cheap and the land is strategically located near Bonneville dam. The war of storage capacity has already begun and I sincerely hope we the consumers would be immensely benefited by the ongoing technology scuffle.
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