Saturday, October 07, 2006

Leveraging India as India stands up

Today I saw Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala's techtalk on "Leveraging India as India stands up" at GooglePlex, Mountainvew. It was a very inspiring and an eye-opening dissertation. I guess I was under the wrong impression that the young generation can only bring some conceivable changes in the Indian society. But with prominent figures like him the messiah's are not only confined to the young generations. This talk was particularly interesting for budding entrepreneurs and for those who has some passion to 'give back to the motherland'. The business model embraced by India in the recent past is a very unique one with a bohemian outlook. If you listen to his talk you will understand why. I sincerely urge every Indian who are based out of US to listen to his talk and seriously think about doing something if we envision India to be a country recognized not as a haven of snake-charmers( overly exaggerated portrayal in The Temples of Doom) but as a power to reckon with.

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