Yesterday I completed the book ‘Java Puzzlers’ by Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter. Josh is a principal engineer at google and was a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems. Josh is a very well known name in the Java community and considered to be a capable protégé of James Gosling. I myself have been working in Java for the last 5+ years but still this book has a lot to offer. Though personally I feel that, a lot of puzzles mentioned in this book are seldom used while we code but it’s definitely good to be abreast of all the quirks of Java Programming language. Some chapters are absolutely essential like Expression Puzzlers. Java’s Integral calculations and floating point arithmetic is a ‘Pandora’s Box’. You open this box and you open a lot of surprises, facts and can of worms but every developer need to know these boundary-point conditions to write bug-free code. In this book Josh also points out design issues with Java and vehemently voice his opinions on an inadequate Java API documentation. All in all I was impressed. His fluid way of presenting problems and solutions propelled me to read his Jolt award winning bestseller ‘Effective Java’.