For those, who have intense dislike and distaste for queer or socially unacceptable movies made on the themes of gay and lesbianism, Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain is a must watch. This movie making genius has taken an unconventional concept(Remember the story took place in the year 1963) and made it into a mainstream movie - so much so that for a person like me, who can never understand a love-bond between two men, still empathized with the relationship Jack Twist and Ennie Del Mar shared. An individual growing up in Wyoming would undoubtedly have a desolate childhood and finding love and solace in another man, for someone who had limited brush with humanity is a very natural association in my opinion. This provides an immense credibility and a touch of realism to the story.
Love is nondiscriminatory. Heart makes no such differentiation when it comes to the all important question - "For whom should I beat and for whom should I beat faster?". And, Ang Lee very adeptly portrayed this vulnerability of a human heart in this movie - Brokeback Mountain.
This reminds me of another movie on the same subject - Gus Van Sant's Milk. Harvey Milk(Played by Sean Penn, who won this year's Critics Award for his role in Milk) was the first elected gay official and he orchestrated a state encompassing gay and lesbian revolution in San Francisco urging the members of this gay-community to stand for their rights.
Oh, by the way this poignant and heart breaking movie ends with the intriguing words Ennie Del Mar remorsefully muttered under his breath - 'Jack, I swear.......'
PS: Edna Annie Proulx - the writer of the short story, Brokeback Mountain certainly deserves accolades for penning a book on a subject which was considered anti-biblical and heretical in the year 1963.
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